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Maqshosh resources and open-source data

In this section of our site, we aim to offer site visitors as comprehensive a list as possible of organisations that provide assistance of any kind to refugees. We'll be updating it on a regular basis and we thank our sources for their work in assembling this vital information.

We'll also be adding data and informatics relevant to the global refugee and migrant crises.


Rohingya refugees flee Tatmadaw violence in Rakhine State Myanmar in 2017.jpg

Directory of services & organisations for refugees, asylum seekers & migrants
With thanks to Dr. Farkhondeh Farsimadan
This directory is intended for refugees, asylum seekers, migrant communities, health and social care practitioners and agencies working with them to identify services that offer advice and support to assist refugees and asylum seekers and migrants to settle and rebuild their lives in the UK.

United Nations official list of partner NGOs working with refugees and migrants

Directory of migrant and refugee support groups in Dublin, Ireland

UNHCR figures at a glance 18.6.20.png
Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh 7.1.20.png
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