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Refugee Week 2022: Europe and Refugees

Today, millions of refugees have grasped the reality of Europe with their skin and bones, while billions of people have taken on the role of spectators who have been mesmerized by the media and virtual networks, as well as distracted by every day reality.
Europe is one of the largest arms producers in the world and has colonised and exploited Africa and Asia for years. Thanks to censorship on virtual networks and medias in general that covers the ugly reality of the European continent with all their might. It practically deceives the world. Europe wears the mask of democracy, but under this mask hides refugees sufferings, and allows no one to see these facts with their own eyes.

Refugee Week 2022: Europe and Refugees

The first culprit :
Among the countries of Europe, there is a competition as to which country can apply the most cruel treatment to helpless refugees. Today, if we open our eyes, we clearly can see that Britain is taking example of crimes committed by its allies such as Australia and the United States many years ago. Today, Britain is determined not to back down in the face of protests against the rights of asylum activists, and is looking for a way to quietly transfer hundreds or even thousands of refugees to Rwanda, Africa.
Although some of the deported refugees are from the Middle Eastern countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc., though a significant number of them happen to be African refugees, they have lost everything in proxy wars with weapons provided by European countries and Britain . They have fled, and now Britain wants to bring them back to the hell that Britain have created on the African continent. Welcome to British Humanitarian Aid.

The second culprit:
In refugee discrimination, there is no country in Europe that has less of a hand in oppression. From the Scandinavian countries that separate their children from refugee families, especially Muslims, to countries like Germany, etc..., which delays the interview and reception of Syrian, Afghan and African refugees in order to accept and prioritise Ukrainian refugees. When Europe is fanning the fire of war in a country, it happens to welcome the war refugees of Ukraine with open arms, but woe to the day when Europe takes off its mask. This happened a long time ago for Afghanistan and in 2015 for the Syrians, and unfortunately the war situation is repeated today for the Ukrainians. Europe is not ashamed to prefer Ukrainian refugees over other refugees because of their color, race, religion, and so on.

The third culprit: The European Coast Guard, so called democracy forces, drowned a refugee ship in the killer waters of the Mediterranean Sea to prevent innocent children from reaching the soil of Europe. European border guards in countries like Croatia are not ashamed of any mistreatment and aggression against helpless refugees because they know that the world will not see these crimes and even if they do, they will not react. When European human rights activists rush at sea to the aid of the refugees , the European countries do not allow their citizens to transport refugees to shore. This is the reality of humanitarian aid in Europe.

Europe has only a beautiful appearance, but it is in fact darker than any soil and land. Europeans have been at war with each other for centuries, but today they have learned to wage wars outside their borders which by consequence have displaced millions of people, and the lives of these refugees are not important to them. The oppression of refugees in the world is so great that the pen is unable to write and describe it to its full extent.
On June 20, world refugee day, we must remember the millions of homeless people who are wandering in the world, especially in Europe.
We hope humanity wakes up and takes its responsibility.
At this date there are 90 millions refugees and displaced people in the world.

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